The default font used for fingerings is a special font designed for LilyPond, which is only available in one weight. If you compare to the default text font (which is what you obtain if you use c-"1"), you will see that the fingering font is already fairly bold-face. So, what you can do, is to change all fingerings to some other font, which is available in both normal and bold weight, which probably means that
the non-bold fingerings will be lighter than you have today.

Since you want to save typing, it's convenient to define a macro which does the setting. Here, I call it \boldfinger, but you can of course change the name to something
even shorter if you prefer.

\version "2.10.0"

boldfinger = {
\once \override Fingering #'font-series = #'bold


\relative c'{
%%% Change the default font:
\override Fingering #'font-encoding = #'latin1 % Use normal text font
\override Fingering #'font-size = #-2

c-1 d-4 \boldfinger e-1-D f-2 g-1 a-4 b-1-G \boldfinger c-2


Griff Miller wrote:
The syntax for fingerings is very easy. A C major scale on the double bass:

c-1 d-4 e-1-D f-2 g-1 a-4 b-1-G c-2

Now, how do I put certain fingerings in bold? I need a way that doesn't involve
a lot of extra typing, since about 40% of the fingerings I specify need to be

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