Why not use the method described in the manual , section "Lyrics independent
of notes"? Here's Trevor's example using that technique:

\version "2.10.0"

\new Staff <<
 \new Voice {
    \time 3/4
    c'4 c'2
 \new Devnull = "ref" {
    c'4 c'4 c'4
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "ref" {
    one two three

Trevor Bača wrote:
On 6/4/07, Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jun 3, 2007, at 9:41 PM, Alan Jones wrote:

> Hi,
> I need a way to specify which beats the words of my
> lyrics fall on independent of the voice that they are
> associated with.  In the attached example I have
> three words that I want on the corresponding beats:
> one, two, three.  However, because the voice has a
> half note for the last two beats Lilypond overlaps the
> words 'two' and 'three' -- even though I've tried to override
> by placing length numbers after every word.  I do want
> the words to follow the music, for example if some
> accidentals move the horizontal placement of the beat, etc.
> Thanks for any help!
> Alan

I hope I'm not misinterpreting your question, but have you tried an
underscore between the words?

\version "2.10.17"
\score {
   \new PianoStaff <<
     \time 3/4
     \new Voice {
       \key g \major
       b4 a2
     \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
       one two_three


If what Alan's looking for is something like beat counts running below
the staff, then the following hack is available to print lyrics
attaching to an independent (and forcibly invisible) voice:

%%% BEGIN %%%

\version "2.11.22"

\new Staff <<
  \new Voice {
     \time 3/4
     c'4 c'2
  \new Voice = "ref" {
     \override Score.NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
     \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
     \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
     \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t
     c'4 c'4 c'4
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "ref" {
     one two three

%%% END %%%

This is less than ideal; all the stuff about overriding the different
note grobs to transparent should really be something like ...

  \new Voice = "ref" {
     s4 s4 s4

... or possibly ...

  \new Voice = "ref" {
     \override Rest #'invisible = ##t
     r4 r4 r4

... instead. But neither of those cleaner versions work: Lily treats
skips different than notes and rests when it comes to the attachment
of spanner start and stop points and also, it would appear, in
recognizing whether a Voice has actually started or not; in the
skips-based example, I don't Lily ever instantiates the reference
voice in the first place, making lyrics attachment impossible.



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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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        Royal Institute of Technology
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