Hi there,

I found a very strange behaviour of the TabStaff context with the
latest Lilypond (2.11.25), the binary provided version for linux x86.

this stanza:


\version "2.11.25"

\score {
    % fine
    \new TabStaff \relative c {
      c\5 b\5 a\6 g\6 f\6 e\6
    % does not recognize the 6th string
    \new TabStaff \relative c {
      c b a g f e


Does not work as expected.

The first part uses both 5th (A) and 6th (E) strings as it is supposed
to do.

The second part does not put g, f nor e on the 6th string (like if it
does not exists on the guitar).
The error log is:
 warning: could not calculate a string number.
                c b a
                        g f e

Using "\6" solves the problem but this is not a good solution.

Does anyone have a similar issue?.

Thank in advance.

PS: Please note provided stanza is a whole file with default lilypond
configuration. Nothing but only this.

Sébastien Gross

lilypond-user mailing list

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