If you just move your \clef indications within the
curly brackets for each part, everything should
work much better. For example
sopsMusic = \relative c' {\clef treble
          g' g g g | c c c c |

Also, you had a "<<" too much before the "men" ChoirStaff.


Roz Sherris wrote:

Hi, I'm a Lilypond beginner, so sorry if this is a really basic query.
I've managed to produce 4-part vocal music - really useful!!! However, I've got something that has a sop solo and 7 choral parts, which I'd prefer on separate staves, since they're quite clashy. I've tried to extrapolate from successful 4-part stuff, and ended up with the text file below (notes are currently just random for test purposes). But the pdf this creates has the 7 choir parts first, then the solo line and lyrics with blank clefs at the right pitch (I'm not worried that the double stave looks a bit funny, and I don't even need the choir words really, since they're just humming). Can anyone help me sort this out please??? Cheers Roz \version "2.10.10"
        \header {
          title = "solo + 7-part choir test"
    global = {
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        \tempo 4=56

      soloMusic = \relative c' {
             a' a a a | b b b b |
      soloLyrics = \lyricmode {
           Words, words words words
      sopsMusic = \relative c'
            \clef treble
          { g' g g g | c c c c |
      sopsLyrics = \lyricmode {
           Hmm --
      altoaMusic = \relative c'
            \clef treble
          { e' e e e | g g g g |
      altoaLyrics = \lyricmode {
           Hmm --
      altobMusic = \relative c'
            \clef treble
          { c' c c c | d d d d |
      altobLyrics = \lyricmode {
           Hmm --
      tenoraMusic = \relative c'
            \clef "treble_8"
          { a a a a | b b b b |
      tenoraLyrics = \lyricmode {
           Hmm --
      tenorbMusic = \relative c'
            \clef "treble_8"
          { f' f f f | a a a a |
      tenorbLyrics = \lyricmode {
           Hmm --
      bassaMusic = \relative c
            \clef bass
          { d d d d | g g g g |
      bassaLyrics = \lyricmode {
           Hmm --
      bassbMusic = \relative c
            \clef bass
          { b b b b | c c c c |
      bassbLyrics = \lyricmode {
           Hmm --
      \score {
<< \new ChoirStaff = "women" <<
                 \new Staff = solosop
                   \new Voice = "solosop" { \global \soloMusic }
                   \new Lyrics = solosop { s1 }
                 \new Staff = sopranos
                   \new Voice  = "sopranos" { \global \sopsMusic }
                   \new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
                 \new Staff = altoa
                   \new Voice  = "altoa" { \global \altoaMusic }
                   \new Lyrics = altoa { s1 }
                 \new Staff = altob
                   \new Voice  = "altob" { \global \altobMusic }
                   \new Lyrics = altob { s1 }
\context Lyrics = solosop \lyricsto solosop \soloLyrics
           \context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopsLyrics
           \context Lyrics = altoa \lyricsto altoa \altoaLyrics
           \context Lyrics = altob \lyricsto altob \altobLyrics
           \new ChoirStaff = "men" <<
                \new Staff  = tenora
                   \new Voice = "tenora" { \global \tenoraMusic }
                   \new Lyrics = tenora { s1 }
                \new Staff  = tenorb
                   \new Voice =  "tenorb" { \global \tenorbMusic }
                   \new Lyrics = tenorb { s1 }
                \new Staff  = bassa
                   \new Voice = "bassa" { \global \bassaMusic }
                   \new Lyrics = bassa { s1 }
                \new Staff  = bassb
                    \new Voice = "bassb" { \global \bassbMusic }
                   \new Lyrics = bassb { s1 }
\context Lyrics = tenora \lyricsto tenora \tenoraLyrics
           \context Lyrics = tenorb \lyricsto tenorb \tenorbLyrics
           \context Lyrics = bassa \lyricsto bassa \bassaLyrics
           \context Lyrics = bassb \lyricsto bassb \bassbLyrics
\layout {
           \context {
              % a little smaller so lyrics
              % can be closer to the staff
              \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
           \context {
              \override SpacingSpanner
                #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 32)

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