On Sun, 17 Jun 2007, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
However, it's easy to adjust the font size used for Lyrics
in LilyPond, for example adding
  \override LyricText #'font-size = #+3.5

Then, you can use trial and error to match the size to
your document.

Thanks for your precise answer. But im somehow unhappy with "trial and
error, when doing type-setting. To have one setting that controls all
the text (or music) of one kind, is the major strength of good type setting

So when I embed music into text, I somehow want to pass my text settings
to the music. Some things work already (indent, linewidth). But fontsize
would be a nice option for \lilypondfile, infact the whole set of
options should be "broadened" to use more latex settings inside

Ah, i'm getting into development stuff again... (always
happens to me when thinking about howto improve programs I only use :-)

Thanks, Sebastian.

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