Thank you Rune,

Your trick is just ...fine !
It looks very promising. I'm not sure I understand its _exact_
behaviour, or LilyPond's behaviour towards text layout tweaks,
but I post hereby the results of my investigations, starting
with your snippet.
Please have a look at the following source : I ask some questions
in the comments.

Oh, this _text_ layout issue may not be "hot" for _music_ typesetters ?
Anyway, I hope someone (many!) is involved in these artistic

Best regards,

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin source %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\version "2.11.26" %(windows)
%%% Illustration to the thread "Re:[layout tweaks] 1. fill-line"
%%% Germain G.I.T. (19.06.2007)
%%% (better read with a fixed point font !)


    % First version :

    myIndex = "№ 210"
    myGap = #8.0
    myTitle = "|AZERTYUIOP|"
    mySubtitle = "|AZERTYUIOP|"

    % Here, the 'title' is output _almost_ at the center of the page
    % (with a little shift to the right) while the 'index' is put
    % 'gap' spaces away from 'title', on the left side.
    % => Is it possible to hit the _exact_ center for 'title' ?
    % => By the way, how to specify 'gap' in millimeters ?

    title = \markup \large \fill-line { \line {
            % '\large' is only used to highlight 'title' position
            % with respect to 'subtitle' pos.
        \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
        \right-align \fromproperty #'header:myIndex
        \hspace #myGap
        \fromproperty #'header:myTitle
        \hspace #myGap
        % if the next line is missing, 'subtitle' (second version)
        % will not <center align> with 'title' (*)
        \right-align " "
    % I pointed you at a strange ...feature(?)...
    % in the first message of this thread :
    % "[layout tweaks] 1. fill-line"
    % Indeed, the next two lines are not equivalent.
    % Here, the second line is better than the first,
    % but still doesn't _center_ the 'subtitle' on the page
    % (it puts it the same way as the 'title')

    % exact center :
%   subtitle = #mySubtitle

    % a bit shifted to the right ; hits the same "center point"
    % than 'title' when (*) is inserted. (by chance ?)
    subtitle = \markup \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:mySubtitle }

% Second version :

% This version produces _bad_ output.
% (uncomment the outside brackets to test it)
% (and don't forget to comment out the first version, above)
% => Is it possible to use "center-align" there ?

    myIndex = "№ 210"
    myGap = #8.0
    myTitle = "|AZERTYUIOP|"
    mySubtitle = "|AZERTYUIOP|"

    title = \markup \large \fill-line { \line {
        \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0)
        \right-align \fromproperty #'header:myIndex
        \hspace #myGap
        \center-align {
            \fromproperty #'header:myTitle
            \fromproperty #'header:mySubtitle
        \hspace #myGap
    % highlight the _real_ center :
    subtitle = #mySubtitle

\score {c''} 
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end source %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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