The basic syntax for a polyphonic section is as follows:

<< { musicA } \\ { musicB } >>

So for your problem section, you'd change it to this:

<< {       c,2 a'4 | }  \\          % bar 22
       {  \grace b16 c2.  }  >>

You don't need the \stemUp switch, since the first polyphonic voice
automatically becomes \voiceOne and has its stems placed up.

> I also get this Guile error: error:
> --------- snip -----
> GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
> \override Staff.NoteCollision #
>                                 merge-differently-dotted
= ##t
> Unbound variable: merge-differently-dotted
> ----- snip ----
> The line breeaks in the error are as they appear when I invoke
> lilypond in the shell.

There's an apostrophe missing from the override, i.e.

\override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t

Here's my suggested corrected snippet, with some changes to a few note
pitches. Is this what you're after?

Preciesely, except that  I had to  add an octave displacement upward
to the initial b, then it rederened exactly the way it should. Now, I
need to change the template I'm using because this piece, like many
other piano works, is essentially 3 or more voices (one or two in
each hand). This one has three voices running for the remains three
quarters of it and in places it lapses into four part counterpoint

Since most of this music is not two voices (right and left hand) but
three or four, is there a way to add those possibliities to the scheme
below?    \new voice = "upper1" \upper1 ? would that work? It would
need  << \new voice = "upper1" \upper1 >> ?

\score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
    \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano  "
           \new Staff = "upper" \upper  <<
              \new voice = "upper1" \upper1 >>
        \new Staff = "lower" \lower <<
            \new voice = "lower1" \lower1 >>
    \layout { }
    \midi { }

Another question was alluded to by someone in a recent post. I have
been taught that scripts and programs are parsed line by line.
Obviously, lilyond does not do it exactly this way. The only other
possibility I can think of is that it parses first by section, ie.
Header, version, scheme, then music. Within each part it runs code
line by line. Only fatal errors stop the rendering process. Am I on
the right track here?

Thanks for your help!


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003
"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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