John Mandereau a écrit:

If the comand jEdit uses to call lilypond is parsed by a shell,

LANG= lilypond ...


LANG=de lilypond ...

should work.  If it doesn't, set the environment variable LANG
permanently in 'My Computer' (the icon showing a computer on desktop)

If German messages show incorrectly in Windows console, try to prefix
lilypond command line with

chcp 65001 &&

to enable UTF-8.  This trick has been reported by a French user; I don't
know how it works in jEdit.

I have the same problem, in a french environment.
I use LilyPond with jEdit 4.3 pre9 on Windows XP (java 1.6)
At compile time, all console messages print bad when there are french (accented) characters.

I tried to set LANG=fr permanently in 'My Computer' properties (both in user and system vars) and nothing happens.
I tried also to change command line in jEdit, setting :

Plugins>LilyPondTool>Development>Lilytool Options>LilyPondTool>Commands>Lilypond command


chcp 65001 && lilypond

but then I can't compile at all ; jEdit error message is :
"Error running external command. See the activity log about the problem."
(though I can run the chcp command in a windows cmd shell)

What is wrong ? How did you make jEdit to call it ?


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