Thanks for all the suggestions. Everything that I read on the mailing list 
sends me back to the LilyPond user manual, and every time that happens, I 
understand it a little bit more. The document is pretty cryptic in places, but 
then again, so are most important documents. I mean, I think Lilypond would 
still run cognitive circles around the tax code. ^_^

Again, thanks to all your suggestions, I constructed another example. Because I 
didn't consider a "segue" instruction as an explicit articulation of a certain 
note, I tried attaching it to a skipped note:

\version "2.10.25"
\score {
    \new Voice \relative c'' {
        g4 g g a |
        c b a g |
        e d e g |
        e1 s4_\markup { \column { \italic "segue to" "Something Else" } }

However, the s4 generated a new bar-line and an empty space... not what I 
wanted. So I tried the fill-line suggestion:

\version "2.10.25"
\score {
    \new Voice \relative c'' {
        g4 g g a |
        c b a g |
        e d e g |
\markup {
    \fill-line {
        \column { \italic "segue to" "Something Else" }

That one's perfect, as long as (I guess) "ragged-right" is set to ##f. (Please 
correct me on this... ^_^)

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