I have spent a bit of time trying to get the beams for a
DrumStaff to stay parallel to the staff line instead of
following the stem. 

I am trying to everride the stem length to get it to line up
straight but that doesn't work. If you compile this file you'll
see the dotted eightth snare drum beam which connects to the
sixteenth bass drum note is at an angle. 

Ideally I would like all the beams the same distance below the
staff and all parallel. I have spent a fair bit of time on this
and read the manual in detail, time to ask for help ;-)  

Here is my funkyFeel.ly file

\version "2.10.0"
\include "FlashNotation.ly"

#(define mydrums '(
    (bassdrum default #f -3)
    (snare default #f 1)
    (hihat cross #f 4)
    (openhihat cross "open" 4)
    (closedhihat cross "stopped" 4)

stemExtend = \once \override Stem #'length = #12
up = \drummode {   hh8 hh hh hh hh hh hh hh   }
down = \drummode  { bd16 sn8 bd16 \stemExtend sn8. bd16 r16 bd16
bd8 sn8. sn16 }

\score   { \new DrumStaff 
           \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table
           \new DrumVoice  { \voiceOne \up    }
           \new DrumVoice  { \voiceTwo \down  }
\layout {
\context { \DrumStaff
           \override TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered
\midi {
\context { \Score
           tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4)
} %end lilypond

I want to make this part of a flash banner, so I have this
output file to make a banner. I seem to be unable to get the
.png output to do this, the .pdf is fine. I am doing this on a
windows box, so maybe it is this that causes the problem. Any
advice on the .png output would be terrific.

Here is my FlashNotation.ly 

%FlashNotation.ly -- parameters for generating Flash Banner

% the resolution of the png bitmaps is 127dpi;
% a paper size of 140mm x 30 mm will lead to a bitmap of
% 700x 150 pixels

#(ly:set-option 'resolution 127)

% the paper size is 700x150 pixels and the score covers almost
% complete width;  any additional markup is left out

\paper {
  paper-width = 140\mm
  paper-height = 30\mm
  resolution = 256
  top-margin = 4\mm
  bottom-margin = 1\mm
  line-width = 136\mm
%  head-separation = 4\mm
%  foot-separation = 4\mm
  page-top-space = 6\mm
  after-title-space = 0\mm
  indent = 1\mm
  horizontal-shift = 0.5\mm
%  ragged-right = ##t
%  ragged-bottom = ##t
  % -- remove all markup --
  print-page-number = ##f
  print-first-page-number = ##f

Thanks for any suggestions.

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