Hello Everyone,

How can I make a stemless, small note head in parentheses outside a trill? I know that there's a command called 'pitchedTrill', but if I use it without using the startTrillSpan and stopTrillSpan commands, I get the following error:

error: syntax error, unexpected EXPECT_MUSIC, expecting EXPECT_MARKUP or EXPECT_SCM or EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS

(my guess was the following: fis \glissando \pitchedTrill his,,)

I have to make a long glissando, and I would like to show the ending note of the glissando with a small, stemless notehead without duration in parentheses (like the one produced by pitchedTrill). Any ideas?

Thank you,

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

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