
the problem is that I can't figure out how to set up the #'edge-text property to draw the lines (the markup doesn't accept the draw-line command, and it's not included in the list of valid markup commands for 2.10.10). Now I've spent at about an hour with adopting the code that I got a few days ago for Bartok-pizz to make it able to draw a line (as the Bartok-pizz sign has a line included), with the following code:

\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:stencil
           (list 'draw-line x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
           '(x6 . x7) '(x8 . x9)
   )  (markup #:stencil
           (list 'draw-line x10 x11 x12 x13 x14)
           '(x15 . x16) '(x17 . x18)
   ) )

where the values x1-x18 are number parameters. The problem is, that I'm googleing and searching every documentation I've found, but I can't guess the meaning of these 18 parameters (in fact, just 9, as the other 9 are supposed to mean the same thing).

Could anybody explain for me what these numbers mean, and how to force them to draw a simple vertical line which fits to the textspanner's line?

Thank you,

P.S. Sorry for the many questions I'm posting, but I started using Lilypond a week ago or so, and I couldn't find up to now an acceptable reference manual for it (so, a collection of documents that contain every possible command with their every possible parameters and values, like for example the javadocs for Java). Does exist this kind of documentation somewhere?

Siska Ádám
+36 (70) 207-63-85

Trevor Bača wrote:
On 7/25/07, Siska Ádám <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thank you. Actually I'm using the stable version (2.10.10 as far as I
know), and I don't really want to change it to a version under
development unless I'd be really forced to do that. Don't you have some
idea that works also with the stable version? (I tried both, but they
didn't work in 2.10.10)
Of course, if there's no other solution, I'll upgrade my Lily, as my
deadline for this score is this weekend...

Thank you again,

Hi Adam,

If I recall correctly, the syntax for getting vertical nibs at the
edge of text spanners the old way was to override the edge-text
attribute of the grob. Something like this ...

  \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'(left . right)

... where you have to replace "left" and "right" with the command to
draw-line shown in the previous example.

I'm running the 2.11.x series only; can you find reference to
edge-text in the 2.10 manual?


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