Hi list,

Sorry if the following has been asked oodles o' times before. :)

1) I can't get that open office lilypond thing to work. The setup of the macros etc. went well (had to install some Java stuff tho), and ctrl-m brings that lilypond popup. But when I type some lilypond script -such as the example from the ooolilypond sourceforge webpage- I get this error when hitting the lilypond button:

'C:\Program' is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I use Open Office 2.2.0 and Lilypond 2.10, and the OS is WinXPsp2 on a recent and *heavy* machine. The hotkeys' right column for ctrl-m says: "vnd.sun.star.scipt:OOoLilyPond.Main.main?language=Basic&location=application

From the config menu:
template path: C:\Program Files\OOoLilyPond\templates\2.10\
lilypond executable: C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe

2) In the situation of a complete orchestral score, is it possible to have one measure preceding the actual start of the score, so: an extra measure in which one could show timpani tuning. So, it wouldn't really be measure 0, but more like measure -1, where the real score starts at measure 0 (or 1 if Lilypond is 1-based) If someone has the Dover edition of 'The Planets (Holst)', you can see an example of it in 'Mars', and 'Uranus' (^_^), in the other parts of this work this tuning measure is distracted from the staffs and loosely floating around, dunno if that's with a good reason or just not consistant. Where the curly bracket is placed also differs, sometimes preceding this extra measure, sometimes between this extra measure and the start of the score.

Maarten van Strien

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