On 7/27/07, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> > p.s. On a side-note, can anyone explain to me the difference between
> > "first-note" and "next-note" in the BarLine space-alist?
> See the documentation for the "break-aligned-interface"
> in the program reference.

Just thinking out loud here ...

It's only been in the last couple of months that I've learned how to
use the space-alist attribute of some of the preferatory grobs (and
also BarLine). And it occurs to me that nowhere in the user manual do
we really discuss this (quite useful) attribute? Is that, in fact, the

If so, maybe a good Samaritan act for somebody (including possibly me
when I get some time in the fall) would be to add a subsection to
section 11.6 "Horizontal spacing" called something like 11.6.6
"Setting preferatory spacing". Chapter 11 on spacing has truly come
along tremendously in 2.11 and this might be a nice extension to that
work. Examples of each of the attributes in the
break-alignable-interface, break-aligned-interface and
break-alignment-interface would go a long way to exhibiting full
control over stacking and space what shows up at the beginnings of
lines and measures.

(Somebody please correct me, however, if we do discuss the space-alist
sufficiently somewhere in the docs that I might have missed.)


Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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