
I'm getting various problems with my closing bar-lines, as demonstrated in
the code attached below. If you compile it you'll see that:

i) the closing bar of the choral section is far to close to the last notes.
I've tried overriding all kinds of BarLine properties, including
extra-offset and spacing-alist, but can't get anything to do what I need.
I'm getting this same error in various choral sections throughout my score.
Two are okay, eleven are not and I can't work out what the common feature is
for the ones that are okay! It seems to be predominently final bar-lines
causing the problem - bar-lines internal to the choral sections are mostly
spaced just fine, although there are some which are too close to the
preceeding notes. I'd like a fix I could apply to those too, without
upsetting all the ones which are okay.
What's going on, and how do I fix it? I'm thinking it might be easier to
define exactly what I want (a double-bar line with a fixed amount of spacing
before it) as an identifier that I can just insert instead of \bar "|."? Can
I do this, and if so, how? Is it the best solution?

ii) the 'finalis' in the first cantor line appears more like a final double
bar (a thin and a thick line) but the second 'finalis' is okay. What's going
on and how do I make them all okay?

iii) the staff lines extend beyond the 'finalis' for the second cantor line.
Again, what's going on, and how do I fix it? 

I also have another problem, for which I've not provided code because I
don't have time to create a minimal example. In the longer choral sections,
all my bar-lines are different weights, varying between very heavy and
medium. I'd prefer them all to be medium. What do I need to tweak to set



=========code snippet begins==============
\version 2.11.28

\include ""
#(set-global-staff-size 14)

\paper {
        #(set-default-paper-size "a4" "portrait")
        ragged-last-bottom = ##t
        ragged-bottom = ##f
        #(define page-breaking ly:page-turn-breaking)

\layout {
        \context { \Score
                \override Stem #'thickness = #0.8
                \override BarLine #'thickness = #0.8
                \override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
                \override InstrumentName #'font-size = #-2
                \override InstrumentName #'font-family = #'sans-serif
        \context { \Staff
                \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3)
                \remove "Time_signature_engraver"

        \context { \Lyrics
                \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.2
                \consists "Bar_engraver"
                \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
                \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t

global = {
        \key c \minor

cantor = {
        \clef bass
        \key c \minor
        \set Score.timing = ##f
        \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
testnotesCanI = \relative c' {g4 c2 bes4 c \finalis
testwordsCanI = \lyricmode  {one two three four

testnotesS = \relative c'' {c4 \bar "|" bes8[ aes] g[ f] g4 g4 \bar "|."
testnotesA = \relative c' {ees4 f ees ees ees 
testnotesT = \relative c' {aes4 bes c bes bes 
testnotesB = \relative c {f4 g g ees ees 
testwordsChoir = \lyricmode {ein zwei drei vi -- er.

testnotesCanII = \relative c' {c2 \finalis
testwordsCanII = \lyricmode  {five

\markup {
        \fill-line {
        \translate #(cons 0 -17.5) {
        \score {
                \new Staff = cantorI <<
                \new Voice ="testCanI" { << \cantor \testnotesCanI >> }
                \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=cantor} \lyricsto testCanI 

                \layout {

        \score {
                \new ChoirStaff <<
                        \new Staff = sops <<
                        \new Voice = "testS" { << \global \testnotesS>> }
                        \new Lyrics \lyricsto testS \testwordsChoir

                        \new Staff = alto <<
                        \new Voice = "testA" { << \global \testnotesA >> }
                        \new Lyrics \lyricsto testA \testwordsChoir
                        \new Staff = men <<
                        \clef bass
                        \new Voice = "testT" { \voiceOne <<\global \testnotesT 
>> }
                        \new Voice = "testB" { \voiceTwo <<\global \testnotesB 
>> }
                        \new Lyrics \lyricsto testB \testwordsChoir     

                \layout {
        \translate #(cons 0 -17.5) {
        \score {
                \new Staff = cantorII <<
                \new Voice ="testCanII" { << \cantor \testnotesCanII >> }
                \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=cantor} \lyricsto 

                \layout {
=============code snippet ends====================
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