I am a beginner too... both to music and lilypond ;)

Thanks to this post I've learned how to engrave some part of the notation we
are trying to play in the class... previously I could only model it as in
the first measure in the attached image... now I know how to model it but I
want to add a dot to the leftmost note... I have the same problem with the
"." dot... even when I add the *2/3 fraction the notes split appart...

here is the script :

\relative c'' {
  \time 3/8
  \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed = ##t
   << { r8 <c  e>8  <c e>8 } \\ c,4. >>
   << { c8 <c' e>8  <c e>8 } \\ c,4 >>
   << { c8 <c' e>8  <c e>8 } \\ c,4.*2/3 >>

On 8/8/07, Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/8/8, Peter Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Indeed, indeed, your'e rigth. Never had this problem with it before, but
> I'm
> > a beginner :-)
> By the way, don't forget to be more specific in your "Subject" field
> the next time you post a question on the list; it makes much easier
> for everyone to browse the list archives in the future... 'How can I
> do this?' is a bit vague :)
> Best Regards,
> Valentin
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<<attachment: lilypond test4.jpg>>

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