Thanks for that suggestion. Do you know where I can get the gnome backend, or do I just need to download the earlier version of Lilypond? However, I think there is a more general issue here about graphical notation in scores. I'm using various bits of graphics in this piece which aren't natively supported by Lilypond. Although I could add them all as EPS markups, the amount of time I would spend adjusting the positions of them makes it a lot easier to do it this way. The SVG option seemed the best because I don't lose image quality by converting to a bitmap, and also because Inkscape is a good piece of software. If fixing the SVG output isn't an option, does anyone have experiences of how to do this?

Thanks in advance,


On Aug 13, 2007, at 11:14 AM, Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Sunday 12 August 2007, Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
It seems to me that having reliable (bug-free) SVG output would be a
big plus for Lilypond. At the present  time, I have been unable to fix
all the font problems (not sure whether this is Lilypond or Inkscape
which is giving me trouble.) To get to where I am at I had to make a
lot of changes by hand to the SVG file which is tedious. (Specifically,
the italic sans-serif fonts still don't work.)

The main advantage of the SVG output (I would suggest) is that small
changes to positions of objects can be done in a WYSIWYG environment,
instead of the current estimate-how-much-I-have-to-move-that-object/
add line of code/ re-process score/ find out I haven't moved it enough/
moved it too much/ change values of #'padding or #'extra-offset etc.
etc. all of which is time consuming especially with big projects.

This approach has a problem: Once you change a note (say, fix a typo) and need
to re-run lilypond, you will have to redo all tweaks again.

You may want to take a look at the experimental gnome back-end, which has existed for quite some time now (2.4 or 2.6, IIRC), but which for some reason never became popular. It offers a better solution to your problem: The score is displayed on the screen, and you can adjust spacing by drag-and drop, and save all modifications in a separate file (containing tweaks). This way you can still make musical corrections in the .ly file without having to redo all spacing tweaks (except, of course, if your musical corrections themselves
affect spacing sufficiently to invalidate your tweaks).


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