I need to put a title with a score for several short pieces. Several pieces can fit on one page. I am able to put a score within a title at the top of the page
but can't do it for pieces that are not at the top the page.

I 'm not sure i understand all of the above but here is a solution which seems to work.
(I hope it is what you wanted) :


\version "2.10.25"


tuning = \markup {
   \score {
       \new Staff
            \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver }
           { d' }
   \layout { ragged-right = ##t }

    { a a a a }
    \header {
         subtitle = "D"
         subsubtitle = \markup {  \tuning }  }

tuning = \markup {
   \score {
       \new Staff
           \with {\remove Time_signature_engraver}
           { e''}
  \layout { ragged-right = ##t }

   { a a a a }
    \header {
       subtitle = "E"
       subsubtitle = \markup {  \tuning }  }


I only add :
- printallheaders=##t
-a score block for each score
-the \header  section seems to need to be after the notes datas.


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