I came up with the following kludge that works for the Soprano/Alto staff:
% Hidden Note
H = { \hideNotes c'4 \unHideNotes }

then in the score, I enter as many hidden notes as necessary for the number
of syllables until the next pitch change
f'4 \H \H \H \H \H \H \H \H \H \H \H \H f'4 g'4 a'2 g'4 f'4 e'2
The only catch is the note is not truly hidden because the spacing below the
staff takes the c' into account even if there are no visible notes below the
staff. So, a different definition may be required for the Tenor/Bass staff
if you don't want the spacing for a middle c above it.
I still believe a solution using skip notes would be preferable.
Another option, if someone out there understands scheme function
definitions, is to come up with a function like
f'4 \repeatHidden { c' 12 } f'4 g'4 a'2 g'4 f'4 e'2
which would allow you to easily specify the true pitch for the repeated note
and the number of times to repeat the hidden note.


From: Paul Harouff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 10:09 AM
To: 'lilypond-user@gnu.org'
Subject: Lyrics without visible notes

Putting a skip in the lyrics prints a note without lyrics under it. But
putting a skip in the music does not print the lyrics without a note over
it; instead, the words are just shifted to the next note.
It is useful to able to use note skips to fix spacing issues around bar
lines, but I believe it would be much more intuitive to have the behavior of
skips completely reciprocal between music and lyrics. If you want both blank
music and lyrics for spacing, it would make more sense to enter a skip in
There is another way to enter hidden notes, but the directions are in the
documentation under "Educational Use", and if you have to do this over and
over it gets tedious, especially since you have to enter the pitch:
f4 \hideNotes f4 f4 f4 f4 \unHideNotes f4
Up to now I have been using a breve to represent repeated pitch for chant
music (see snippet below), but I'm finding that sometimes this makes the
music too cluttered and confusing for the choir because of spacing issues
around the lyrics in quotation marks, especially if ragged-right = ##f. I
would rather print the words without anything over them until the pitch
changes and use hidden notes to fix the spacing.
\version "2.11.25"
% New Measure
NM = { \cadenzaOff \bar "|" \cadenzaOn }
% New Line Break
NL = { \cadenzaOff \bar ":" \break \cadenzaOn }

\score { \new StaffGroup <<
 \new Staff = women <<
  \clef treble
  \key f \major
  \new Voice = "Soprano" {\voiceOne \cadenzaOn \override Stem #'length = #5
            #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
            f'4 f'\breve f'4 g'4 a'2( g'4 f'4) e'2 \NM \break
            e'4 e'\breve e'4 f'4 g'2 f'4( e'4) f'2 \NM \break
            d'4 d'\breve d'4 e'4 f'2( e'4 d'4) cis'2 \NM \break
            cis'4 cis'\breve cis'4 d'4 e'2( d'4 cis'4) d'2( e'2) \bar "|"
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Soprano" { 
            Re- "joice, O chosen by God of all" gen- e- ra- "tions!" |
            Re- "joice, holy ves-" sel of God the "Word!" |
            Re- "joice, fulfillment of pro- phet-" ic fore- tell- "ing!" |
            Re- "joice, most hon- or- a- ble crown of" the dis- ci- "ples!"
 \layout { \context { \Staff 
   \remove "Time_signature_engraver" 
   between-system-padding = 0.1\in
   between-system-space = 0.1\in
   indent = #0
   ragged-right = ##t
   ragged-last = ##t
 \header { 
  piece = ""
  opus = ""

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