Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Mark:

I've discovered a number of threads on this topic (how lyrics don't work when you use such as <<{a' b'} \\ { c' d'}>>

I'm not sure what you mean by "lyrics don't work" -- have you tried

    << { a' b' } \new Voice { c' d' } >>

instead of

    << { a' b' } \\ { c' d' } >>

That works perfectly for me in every situation I've run into.
In other words, in what circumstance would you *not* want to specifically instantiate the extra Voice context(s)?

Well, the situation is the one I mentioned in my other thread you just replied 
to (when dealing with changes in the numbers of staffs in certain ways).

By saying the lyrics don't work, I mean the lyrics skip the 'polyphonic' notes. 
 This is a known issue, though.  I didn't mean to pose a problem so much as a 
work-around for it.

Here are links to some threads about the issue (for a better idea of what I 
etc. (just look up lyrics pholyphony in a search)

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