I'm playing with it.  The notes are slightly different from my copy
I changed to the head style we use - I haven't got the part combine working yet.

and the tenor and bass repeating words I haven't figured out yet.

Father Gordon Gilbert wrote:
Hi Tim,

Attached is a copy of a hymn I have done, both PDF and .ly file. Compile that with your version of Lilypond to make sure it works (convert-ly if necessary). Then remove my notes and insert your own. Recompile. Then remove my words and insert your own. Recompile. Then remove my chords and insert your own. Recompile. Then remove my titles, etc, and insert your own ... you get the idea.

You should be able to make it work by doing that successively with each song you do.

Let me know how you get along.


Father Gordon Gilbert
Penetanguishene, ON

\header {
	filename = "PowerInTheBlood.ly"
	enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert"
	composer = "Lewis E. Jones, 1865-1936"
	poet = "Lewis E. Jones, 1865-1936"
	date =""
	title = "There is Power In The Blood"
	subtitle = "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. -Rev. 12:11"
	metre = "There is Power In The Blood with Refrain"
	meter = \metre
	copyright = "Public Domain"
	style = "Hymn"
	mutopiacomposer = \composer
	maintainer = "Gordon Gilbert"
	maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
	lastupdated = "2005/Dec/14"

\version "2.11.32"

\paper {

	#(set-paper-size "letter")
	line-width = 170\mm
	line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.000000))
	between-system-space = 48\mm
	force-assignment = #""
	%between-system-padding = #1
	% ragged-bottom=##f
	% ragged-last-bottom=##f
global= {
  \time 4/4
  \key bes \major
   #(set-global-staff-size 17)
   %\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
    %\partial 4
   % \skip 1 * 20 \bar "||"

sop = \context Voice = "sop"    {
	f'4 f'8 f' f'4 f'8 f' g'4 g'8 g' f'4. bes'8 a'4 c''8. b'16 c''2 bes'4 d''8. cis''16 d''2 \bar "||"
	f'4 f'8 f' f'4 f'8 f' g'4 g'8 g' f'4. \bar "||"
	bes'8 \bar "|" a'4 a'8. a'16 c''4 bes'8 a' bes'2. \bar "||"
	f'8 ^ \markup { \large \italic "Refrain"} bes' \bar "|" d''2 d'' c''8 bes' bes' g' f'4
	a'8. bes'16 c''2.( c''8.) bes'16 d''2. d''8( f') b'2
	d'' c''8 bes' bes' g' f'4 \bar "||"
	a'8. bes'16 c''4. ees''8 d''4 c''8. c''16 bes'2. r4 \bar "||"


alto=\context Voice = "alto"   {
	d'4 d'8 d'8 d'4 d'8 d' ees'4 ees'8 ees' d'4.
	f'8 f'4 f'8. f'16 f'4( ees')
	d' f'8. e'16 f'2
	d'4 d'8 d'8 d'4 d'8 d' ees'4 ees'8 ees' d'4.
	f'8 f'4 f'8. f'16 ees'4 d'8 c' d'2.
	d'8 d' f'2 f' g'8 g' g' ees' d'4
	c'8. d'16 ees'2.( d'8.) ees'16 f'2.
	f'8( d') f'2 f' g'8 g' g' ees' d'4
	c'8. d'16 ees'4. f'8 f'4 ees'8. ees'16 d'2. s4
tenor = \context Voice = "tenor"   {
	bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes 
	bes4. d'8 c'4 a8. gis16 a2 f4 bes8. bes16 bes2
	bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes8 bes4. 
	d'8 c'4 c'8. c'16 a4 f8 f f2.
	bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes bes2 bes8 bes bes bes bes4
	r r a8. a16 a4 r r 
	bes8. bes16 bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes bes2
	bes8 bes bes bes bes4 c'8. bes16 a4. c'8 bes4 a8. a16 <bes f>2. r4
bass = \context Voice = "bass"   {
	bes,4 bes,8 bes, bes,4 bes,8 bes, ees4 ees8 ees bes,4.
	bes,8 f4 f8. f16 f2 bes,4 bes,8. bes,16 bes,2
	bes,4 bes,8 bes, bes,4 bes,8 bes, ees4 ees8 ees bes,4.
	bes,8 f4 f8. f16 f4 f8 f bes,2.
	bes,8 bes, bes,4 d8f bes2 ees8 ees ees ees bes,4
	r4 r f8. f16 f4 r r bes,8. bes,16 bes,4 bes,8 bes, bes,4 d8 f bes2
	ees8 ees ees ees bes,4 f8. f16 f4. f8 f4 f8. f16 bes,2. s4

accomp=\chordmode {

stanzaa = \lyricmode {
	Would you be free from the bur -- den of sin?
	There's power in the Blood,
	Power in the Blood;
	Would you o'er e -- vil a vic -- to -- ry win?
	There's won -- der -- ful power in the Blood.
	There is power, power, won -- der work -- ing power
	In the Blood of the Lamb;
	There is power, power, won -- der work -- ing power
	In the Pre -- cious Blood of the Lamb.

stanzab = \lyricmode {
	Would you be free from your pas -- sion and pride?
	There's power in the Blood,
	Power in the Blood;
	Come for a clean -- sing to Cal -- va -- ry's tide?
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

stanzac = \lyricmode {
	Would you be whit -- er, much whit -- er than snow?
	There's power in the Blood,
	Power in the Blood;
	Sin -- stains are lost in its life -- giv -- ing flow;
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

stanzad = \lyricmode {
	Would you do serv -- ice for Je -- sus your King?
	There's power in the Blood,
	Power in the Blood;
	Would you live dai -- ly His prais -- es to sing?
	_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
stanzae = \lyricmode {

stanzaf = \lyricmode {

\score {	%\transpose bes g
	   \context ChoirStaff <<
	       \context ChordNames \accomp
		 \unset ChoirStaff.melismaBusyProperties 
		\context Staff ="upper"  { 
			\clef "G" 
		\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-1" {
			\set stanza = "1."
				\stanzaa }
		\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-2" {
			\set stanza = "2."
				\stanzab }
		\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-3" {
			\set stanza = "3."
				\stanzac }
		\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-4" {
			\set stanza = "4."
				\stanzad }
	% room for more stanzas
	%	\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-5" {
	%		\set stanza = "5."
	%			\stanzae }
	%	\lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-6" {
	%		\set stanza = "6."
	%			\stanzaf }
		\context Staff = "lower"  { 
			\clef "F"
		indent = 0.0\pt
		\context {
			\override ChordName  #'style = #'american
			chordChanges = ##t
  \midi {
    \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 120 4)
      \remove "Bar_number_engraver"


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