Ok, that fixes something I hadn't noticed yet :)
Maybe that will help with a question I was saving for after I got the flags problem fixed. I have some songs that alto, tenor or bass have some repeating in the chorus.

like the song that Gordon Gilbert sent. in the chorus the soprono and alto sing line a abd tenor and bass sing line b
hope fully this example comes thru - without word wrap ruining it.
if not, I can scan it so you can see what I mean when I get home.

a. there is power power wonder working power in the blood of the Lamb b. there is power there is power wonder working power in the blood of the Lamb

a. there is power power wonder working power in the precious blood of the Lamb b. there is power there is power wonder working power in the precious blood of the Lamb

Ralph Little wrote:
Hi Tim,
OK I see the problems you are having with \partcombine and lyrics now.

AFAICS, \partcombine seems to mess with the parts to the extent that there is no single Voice available that the lyrics can follow. The example I tried shows that the documented "one" and "two" voices only contain the notes that are separated (not chords) so you only get lyrics beneath the separate notes.

Looking at a dump of the stream event output, there are voices "one", "two", "shared", and "solo". I think the notes are directed at different voices depending on whether they are separate or not, so I suspect linking the lyrics to a voice is a non-starter for the case of \partcombine. My suspicion is that \partcombine was never intended to be used with lyrics, but I could be wrong.

There is an example in the Lilypond docs which show how to generate lyrics independently of other voices and that might be the way to go. See " Lyrics independent of notes"

OK, enough of that moaning, using the above method, here is what I get which seems to work with the previous "fix" for part-combine.scm.

The method involves using the top-most voice and creating a "pseudo" DevNull voice context which the lyrics can track. It exists but there is no output.

You get a big pile of warnings which I think is a bug because you get the warnings with the example in the doc also.

\version "2.11.32"
\include "english.ly"
\header {
   title="Fishers Of Men"
   poet="Harry D. Clark"
\layout {
   indent = #0
PartsOne = {
   \relative c' {
       f4 f f g
       a8 a4 gs8 a2
       g8 g4 fs8 g2
       f8 f4 d8 c2
PartsTwo = {
   \relative c' {
       c4 c c c
       f8 f4 f8 f2
       e8 e4 ds8 e2
       c8 c4 bf8 c2

PartsTop = {
   \key f \major
   \clef treble
   \partcombine \PartsOne \PartsTwo

PartsThree = {
   \relative c' {
       a4 a a bf
       c8 c4 b8 c2
       c8 c4 c8 c2
       a8 a4 bf8 a2

PartsFour = {
   \relative c' {
       a4 a a bf
       c8 c4 b8 c2
       c8 c4 c8 c2
       a8 a4 bf8 a2

PartsBottom = {
   \key f \major
   \clef bass
   \partcombine \PartsThree \PartsFour

\score {
   \new Staff = top
   { <<          \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
       \new Devnull="nowhere"  \PartsOne

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere" { \set stanza = "1. " I will make you fish-- ers of men fish-- ers of men fish-- ers of men } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere" { \set stanza = "2. " Hear Christ call-- ing Come un-- to me Come un-- to me Come un-- to me }
   >> }
   \new Staff = bottom
   {          \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()

Regards and have fun!

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