Hi everybody,

A short while back, I was under the misapprehension that there was something
wrong with the spacing in piano staves when using version 2.11. Having
erroneously submitted a bug report to this effect, I found out that thanks
to the new spacing engine, the fixed distance workaround present in 2.10 was
no longer necessary (hence why the "PianoStaff centred dynamics" template no
longer works properly).

I have been typesetting a few piano pieces, and have found that the spacing
can vary wildly, especially when adding dynamics. This is, in my opinion, a
rather unfortunate situation, and one not in keeping with traditional
engraving rules for piano music.

My question is this: Is it possible to force fixed distance between the
staves in a PianoStaff under version 2.11? I've tried various overrides, but
all they tend to do is influence the minimum spacing and amount of system

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