Le lundi 10 septembre 2007 à 20:49 +0200, Eyolf Østrem a écrit :
> > >BTW I'd like to see an forever-working URL like 
> > >http://lilypond.org/doc/current/Documentation/ (instead of the version; 
> > >should need only one symlink; maybe "current-stable" and "current-dev").
> > Well,
> > http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.11/Documentation/
> > gives you the current-dev.  Yes, you need to update this link whenever we 
> > release a new stable branch... but that only happens once or twice a  
> > year.
> But what the OP said, is true, and a very simple thing to do, and it
> means nobody will have to change their links as often as twice a year
> :-)

That's wrong, the webmaster will have to change the symlinks :-P

Such symlinks already exist, but were only known by the webmasters and
the translators.

Have a look at this updated page to know about those permanent links:
(Wait for one hour or two for the automatic regeneration of lilypond.org
from the web sources.)


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