2007/9/15, Perry Gilfillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> This was my first effort to post a snippet after searching for
> solutions to the various formatting issues.  I've gone over it again
> and would appreciate any further comments.

Great to hear from you Perry :)

It's perfect. Your snippet was already fine, by the way. (You posted
it twice but I removed one of those.)
I just couldn't understand what it was precisely about, since the font
change didn't work on my computer, and wasn't displayed by the LSR.

LSR's LilyPond is running in jail mode (in a small dedicated
partition, for security reasons). This makes impossible to use some
features, and you have to put only one \score block (the others will
be ignored). When writing a two-lines snippet, it is recommended to
use \break instead, like you've done.

Some local control freaks (just to see if he'll recognize himself ;)
tend to prefer continuative forms titles, e.g. "adding text to volta
brackets" instead of "volta with text". Since your title made sense,
this is no big deal (not to me, at least).

Since i'm kind of a control freak myself, I would recommend not to use
OS-specific proprietary fonts such as Arial. But this is pure hair

Generally, it's not recommended to add a \version number in LSR
snippets. They're supposed to be always corresponding to the last
stable version (currently, 2.10).

Your snippet demonstrates a feature for which the syntax has changed
in 2.11; therefore it will get broken when the LSR will be running the
next stable 2.12 version, which is to be released soon. Theorically,
convert-ly should handle it, and I plan to check all the snippets for
broken code, but in such a case you can already help when writing your
snippet, by:

-adding a few words in your Subject:

"Subject of your snippet [needs syntax update]"

-adding the new syntax (if you know it) in the snippet, commenting it
with some explanation:

\score {
  a2. b4 c8 d e'

    %% please uncomment the following line when running 2.12
    % \override Staff.FooBar #'baz =  ##t

    \override Staff.Foobar #'some-deprecated-property  = #'( bar . foo)
  c d e

This helps users as well, since you give them explanations about how
to make it work with new versions.

Of course, this isn't mandatory at all. Your snippet was already great
(btw, thank you for using HTML in the desciption, it's much easier to
read than plain text). I hope you'll get used to add anything
interesting you can think of; this is how LSR becomes each day more
and more useful!


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