Trevor Daniels wrote:
Graham wrote:
- move Micro tones into Accidentals.

No, too specialist.  Should it be moved into Specialist
notation? Wherever it is it needs a link to Other languages.

I disagree with this, although I admit that I can't come up with a good reason.

One of the things I was trying to do was to make the new doc sections a complete reference for each item. So Pitches would include everything about pitches, expressive marks would include everything about that, etc.

Here's where my reasoning falls down: I admit that this doesn't work with Ancient music. Pitches->displaying->clefs doesn't include ancient music clefs, for example. I'm still confident that the manual should be split up this way, but I can't point to a general principle to back me up on this. :| (other than "our ancient music support is a bit old, no pun intended, so I'd rather hide it at the back of the manual")

- do "note names in other lanuages" need anything
more than cleaning up


1. The footnote which gives a reference to "Note names in
other languages" in the subsection Accidentals should be
promoted to the main text just after "These are the Dutch
note names ... ".

I agree. Actually, I think we should make a general rule to remove footnotes.

2. In the "Note names in other languages" subsection it does
not actually say what the notation is for a simple sharp or
flat in each of the languages (other than bes).  I would
agree it is pretty obvious, but should still be stated for

Oops, that's just because the section is in the middle of formatting changes. The old table (currently commented out) shows this info, and that info will soon be migrated into the new table (which currently only has one row in it).

3. The link to double sharp in Accidentals is broken.

Good catch!

- I'm not too happy with Octave check, but I

However, it is clearly more than a check
(unlike bar check) since it actually corrects the octave
too.  Octave assertion, or, even better, octave affirmation,

OTOH, it's most commonly used as a check, and then we have some unity in the manual with "* check".

Also, why is there a link to Grace notes in the Clef

I have honestly no idea.

(either no disagreement, or waiting for other comments, for everything else)

- Graham

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