I've been struggling to get lilypond-book do what I want it to do, and 
I think I'm almost there. Now, I have working output, my question is
if there is a better way to work to get there.

I want to include files with lp-examples in chapters that I \include
in a main LaTeX document, fullbook.tex, something like this:


How I finally made it work, was to have a file lp-examples.lytex
containing sth like the following:


    \section{1 Gioia et amore}

    This is a song.


which I first process through lilypond-book. This gives a file
lp-examples.tex, which is then processed nicely when I do latex

1. Is this the recommended way to work?
2. Is there a way to automatize the process? E.g. in Kile, vim, or
-- god forbid -- emacs/auctex?


I already have too much problem with people thinking the efficiency of
a perl construct is related to its length.  On the other hand, I'm
perfectly capable of changing my mind next week...  :-) --lwall

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