Kieran Coulter wrote on 05 October 2007 03:38
> Thanks for the tip Trevor, I will try it out!
> So just to be totally sure, 
> 1) you add the tempo map, "killing time" with 
> s's, as its own voice?

No, although that might work.  I've attached the main file of the example I 
posted (Choir&, which contains the structure and is quite well 
commented, as this was a learning exercise for me, and all the files which are 
included.  As it stands all these need to be placed in a folder called 
"includes" if you want to compile it.  (Mats: any hints on improving this are 
welcome!) You'll see the file contains a number of variables like 
TempiA below all gathered together in a variable Tempi.  (This is simply for 
ease of editing - one tempi variable to a page of the score I was 
transcribing.)  Then, as you can see, I simply include \Tempi in the soprano 
voice in parallel with the soprano music. 
> 2) Do you still need to add the global default 
> tempo in the MIDI block if you do this?

Yes, I believe this is still necessary - it was in LP 2.8.

>  tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4) 

Or rather simpler:
   \tempo 4=72

> 3) If so, and you also explicitly add a tempo in 
> measure 1 of your tempo voice, and they are 
> different, does it produce an error or does one 
> override the other?

I've not tried making them different, but I would guess the one in the measure 
would prevail.

> Thanks again!
> Kieran
> >Quoting Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >> Hi Kieran
> >>
> >> The following shows how I change the Midi 
> tempi - you can
> >> easily adapt this example to do what you want:
> >>
> >> TempiA= {
> >> \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #3.0
> >> %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
> >> \tempo 2=80 s1 | s | s | s | s | s | s |
> >> %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
> >> % the following tempo changes implement the 
> fermata in bar
> >> 9
> >> \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = 
> ##t % hide
> >> the marks
> >> s1 | \tempo 2=50 s | \tempo 2=80 s | s1 | s | 
> s | s | s | s
> >> |
> >> %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
> >> % the following tempo changes implement the 
> fermata in bar
> >> 18
> >> s1 | \tempo 2=50 s | \tempo 2=80 s | s | s | s 
> | s | s |
> >> }
> >>
> >> I simply insert this in parallel with the music.
> >>
> >> Trevor
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: 
> >> 
> [
>> On Behalf Of Kieran Coulter
>> Sent: 10 July 2007 01:51
>> To:
>> Subject: multiple tempi in a single piece
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am sure there is a way to do this, but maybe someone here
>> has already faced this challenge and can help show me how it
>> can be done.
>> My example is the Bach Sinfonia from Partita #2. It has a
>> Grave, Andante, and Allegro, but the MIDI file plays all the
>> sections at the same speed, 120bpm. I am looking for a way
>> to modify the .ly file so that it generats a MIDI file that
>> plays the Grave at say 40bpm, the Andante at 80bpm, and only
>> the Allegro at 120bpm.
>> I would greatly appreciate any help to discover how to do
>> this!
>> Thanks,
>> Kieran Coulter
>> _______________________________________________
>> lilypond-user mailing list
\version "2.8.6"

% O Sacrum Convivium
% Farrant

% Choir and Piano Reduction Score

\include ""
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"

#(set-global-staff-size 18)		% set overall size of score layout (for 4 pages)
%#(set-global-staff-size 14.5)		% set overall size of score layout (for 3 pages)

 \key g 
 \time 2/2
 \lyricSize #2.0			% increase size of lyrics

\header {
 title = \markup { \fontsize #4 "O Sacrum Convivium" }
 subtitle = "  "
 subsubtitle = "   "
 composer = "Music by Richard Farrant (c1530-1580)"
 poet = "Words by Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)"
 tagline = "Music engraving by Trevor Daniels using LilyPond 2.8.6 -"

\markup {
 \fill-line {
  \hspace #1.0
  \column {
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"O sacrum convivium" }
   \line {"in quo Christus sumitur," }
   \line {"recolitur memoria passionis ejus," }
   \line {"mens impletur gratia," }
   \line {"futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur." }
   \line {"Amen."}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
  \hspace #2
  \column {
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line { \italic {"O sacred feast"} }
   \line { \italic {"in which Christ is received,"} }
   \line { \italic {"the memory of His Passion is renewed,"} }
   \line { \italic {"the mind is filled with grace," } }
   \line { \italic {"and a pledge of future glory is given to us." }}
   \line { \italic {"Amen."}}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
   \line {"  "}
  \hspace #1.0

\score {
 <<	% start staves
  \new ChoirStaff << % the actions defined at this level are in parallel
   \new Staff=Soprano
   \with { 
    \consists Ambitus_engraver	% show vocal range required
   << % specify new staff explicitly (needed for midi)
    \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \hcenter-in #6 "Soprano" }
    \set Staff.instr = \markup { \hcenter-in #3 "S" }
    \clef treble 
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="Voice Oohs"
    \context Voice=Soprano {
      \Tempi			% set tempi from includes/
      \Breaks			% implement page breaks
      \removeWithTag #'Piano	% don't apply piano-positioning of dynamics to soprano
    }	% end context Voice=Soprano
    \new Lyrics=SopranoLyrics \lyricsto Soprano {
   >>	% end context Staff=Soprano

   \context Staff=Alto 
   \with { 
    \consists Ambitus_engraver	% show vocal range required
    \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \hcenter-in #6 "Alto" }
    \set Staff.instr = \markup { \hcenter-in #3 "A" }
    \clef treble 
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="Voice Oohs"
    \context Voice=Alto {	% Voice implies new staff

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto Alto {

   \context Staff=Tenor 
   \with { 
    \consists Ambitus_engraver	% show vocal range required
    \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \hcenter-in #6 "Tenor" }
    \set Staff.instr = \markup { \hcenter-in #3 "T" }
    \clef "G_8" 
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="Voice Oohs"
    \context Voice=Tenor { 

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto Tenor {

   \context Staff=Bass 
   \with { 
    \consists Ambitus_engraver	% show vocal range required
    \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \hcenter-in #6 "Bass" }
    \set Staff.instr = \markup { \hcenter-in #3 "B" }
    \clef bass 
    \set Staff.midiInstrument="Voice Oohs"
    \context Voice=Bass { 

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto Bass {

  \PianoStaffWithSize #-2 #11	% Reduce staff and font sizes (-2) and increase separation (11)
  <<	% start components of PianoStaff in parallel
   \set PianoStaff.instrument = \markup { \column { \hcenter-in #6 Piano \italic { \center-align {"(only for" rehearsal) } } } }
   \new Staff=RH {
    \clef treble
    \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f		% don't want solo annotation
   }	% end Staff=Treble

   \new Staff=LH {
    \clef bass
    \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
     % Use tagged soprano dynamics for piano
     \keepWithTag #'Piano
   }	% end Staff=Bass
  >>	% end PianoStaff
 >>	% end Staves

 \layout { 

  % Here go all the score-related commands which influence the printed score's general appearance %

  \context {
   \Score \override BarNumber #'padding = #3	% move bar numbers up to avoid collision with StaffGroup bracket
  \context {
   \Staff \override TimeSignature #'style = #'numbered	% Avoid cut-time symbol on all staves
 }	% end layout

 \midi {
  \tempo 2=80	% Tempi are set explicitly in
		% but the first is needed here

}	% end Score

\paper {

 % Here go all the non-score-related commands which set up the paper appearance

 print-page-number = ##t	% print page numbers
%O Sacrum Convivium

\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"

%Alto Part

AltoMusicA= \relative c' {

 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 d1 | e2.( fis4) | g2 fis | e2. g4 | fis1 | r2 fis4 fis | g2 fis |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 a2 a4( g) | fis2\fermata r | d2( e4 fis) | g2. g4 | fis2 e | fis( g) | g( e) | e g4 g | fis2 e |

 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 e2( d4 c) | b2\fermata r | d d | g g g2. g4 | g2*2/3 \breathe s2*1/3 g2 | g g | g2. g4 |


AltoMusicB= \relative c' {

 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 fis1 | R | r2 d | g g | fis e4 d | e2( fis) |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 31
 g1 | R | r2 g( | e) d | d fis | e1 | d2 d( |

 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 38
 c) b4( c) | d2 d | e( d) | b r | R1 | r2 d |


AltoMusicC= \relative c' {

 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 g' g | fis e4 d | e2( fis) g1 | R |

 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 r2 g( | e) d | d fis| e1 | d2 d( | c) b4( c) |

 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 56
 d2 d | e( d) | b1\fermata  | r\fermata |


AltoMusicD= \relative c'' {

 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 r2 e,~( | e4 d c d | b1) | g~ | g2 g'~( | g4 fis e2) |
 c2 f~( | f4 e d c) | b2 g' | g g4( fis | e1~ | e2 d) | d1~ | d1 \fermata |


AltoMusicE= \relative c' {

 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 d4( e fis g~ | g4 fis) g2 | fis2( g4 fis | g2 a4 fis | e2 g | fis e~ | e d4 c) | b1 |
 r1 | e2 d | d2( g4 fis4 | e1 | d2) e2*2/3\fermata s2*1/6\breathe s2*1/6 | c2( b4 c | d1 | e2 d) | b1 |
 r2 b4( c | d1 | e2 d) | b1~ | b\fermata |


AltoMusic= {

AltoLyricsA= \lyricmode {
 O sa -- crum con -- vi -- vi -- um
 in \lyricSpace #2 quo Chris -- tus \lyricSpace #0 su -- mi -- tur,
 re -- co -- li -- tur me -- mo -- ri -- a pas -- si -- o -- nis e -- jus,
 mens im -- ple -- tur gra -- ti -- a, im -- ple -- tur gra -- ti --

AltoLyricsB= \lyricmode {
 no -- bis

AltoLyricsC= \lyricmode {
 no -- bis

AltoLyricsD = \lyricmode {
 A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men.

AltoLyricsE = \lyricmode {
 A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men.

AltoLyrics= {

AltoDynamicsA= {

 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 s1\p | s | s | s | s | s\cresc | s |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 s2 s\!\mf | s1 | s2\p s2 | s1 | s | s | s | s | s |

 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 s1 | s\cresc | s | s | s | s2\!\f s | s1 | s2.\< s4\!|


AltoDynamicsB = {

 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 s4\ff\> s2 s4 | s4\!\mf s2. | s2\cresc s | s1 | s | s |

 %Page 2 System 2 Bar 31
 s1 | s | s2 s2\!\f | s1 | s | s2\dim s2 | s1 |

 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 38
 s1 | s | s\!\p | s | s | s2\cresc s2 |


AltoDynamicsC = {

 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 s1 | s | s | s\!\f | s |

 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 s1 | s | s | s\> | s2 s2\!\pp | s1^\markup{ \italic \large rall} |

 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 55
 s1 | s | s | s |


AltoDynamicsD = {

 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 s2 s\p | s1 | s | s | s2 s\mp | s1 |
 s2 s\mf | s1 | s2 s\f | s s\> | s1 | s1 | s4\!\p s4 s2| s1 |


AltoDynamicsE = {
 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 s1\p | s1 | s1\mp | s1 | s1 | s1 | s4\> s s s\! | s1\p |
 s1 | s1\f | s1\> | s1 | s1\!\mp | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
 s2^\markup{ \italic \large rall} s\> | s1 | s1\!\pp | s1 | s1 |

AltoDynamics= {
%O Sacrum Convivium

\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"

%Bass Part

BassMusicA= \relative c' {

 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 g1 | e2.( d4) | g2 d | e c | d1 | r2 d4 d | g2 b |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 a2 a | d,2\fermata r| b'2( a) | g2. g4 | d2 e | d( c) | g'( a) | e b4 b | d2 e |
 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 c2( d) | <g g,>2\fermata r | g g | g e | g2. g4 | g2*2/3 \breathe s2*1/3 g2 |
  g g | c,2. c4 |

BassMusicB= \relative c {

 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 d2 d4 d | g2 g | fis e4 d | e2 e | d c4( b) | a1 |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 31
 g2 g' | c c | b a4 g | g2 fis | g d | e( a,) | d g( |
 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 38
 c,2) e | d b | c( d) | g, 


BassMusicC= \relative c {

 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 41
 g2 | g' g | fis e4 d |

 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 e2 e | d c4( b) | a1 | g2 g' | c c |

 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 b2 a4 g | g2 fis | g d | e( a,) | d g( | c,) e |
 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 55
 d2 b | c( d) | g1\fermata | r\fermata |


BassMusicD= \relative c {

 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 r2 c~( | c4 d e fis) | g2 g,~( | g4 a b2) | c1~ | c |
 d1 | d1 | e2.( d4 | c2 b | c1) | g1~ | g1~ | g1 \fermata |


BassMusicE= \relative c' {

 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 r1 | g4( d e2 | d c | g' a4 d, | e2 b | d e | c d) | g,1 |
 b'2( a4 g | a g) fis2 | g( d | e c | fis) e2*2/3 \fermata s2*1/6 \breathe s2*1/6 | c4( d e2 | d b | c d) | g,1 |
 r2^\markup{ \italic \large rall} e'( | d b | c d) | g1~ | g\fermata |


BassMusic= {

BassLyrics= { \TenorLyrics}

BassDynamicsD = {
 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 s2 s2\p | s1 | s2 s\mp | s1 | s | s |
 s1\mf | s | s2.\f s4 | s2 s\> | s1 | s1 | s4\!\p s4 s2| s1 |

BassDynamicsE = {
 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 s1 | s1\p | s1\mp | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1\> | s1\!\p |
 s1 \mp\<| s1\!\f | s1\> | s1 | s2\!\mp s | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
 s2 s\> | s1 | s1\!\pp | s1 | s1 |

BassDynamics= {
\version "2.8.6"

% O Sacrum Convivium
% Farant

% Page Breaks for 5-page score

Breaks= {

 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 s1 | s | s | s | s | s | s |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 s1 | s \break | s | s1 | s | s | s | s | s |
 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 s1 | s \break | s | s | s | s | s | s |

 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 s1 | s \break | s | s | s | s |
 %Page 2 System 2 Bar 31
 s1 | s | s | s \break | s | s | s |
 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 38
 s1 | s | s | s | s \break | s |

 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 s1 | s | s | s | s |

 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 s1 | s \break | s | s | s | s |

 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 55
 s1 | s | s | s \break |

 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
 s1 | s1 | s1 \break | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
 s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |

%\version "2.6.5"

%O Sacrum Convivium

%Soprano Part B

futuraeLyrics= \lyricmode {

 fu -- tu -- rae glo -- ri -- ae

%\version "2.6.5"

%O Sacrum Convivium

nobisLyricsA= \lyricmode {

 no -- bis pig -- nus da -- tur,

%\version "2.6.5"

%O Sacrum Convivium

nobisLyricsB= \lyricmode {

 no -- bis pig -- nus da -- tur.

%O Sacrum Convivium

\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"

%Soprano Part

SopranoMusicA= \relative c'' {

 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 g1 | g2.( a4) | b2 a | g c | a1 | r2 a4 a | b( cis) d2 |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 d2 cis | d2\fermata r | d2( c?) | b2. b4 | a2 g | a4( b c2) | b( a) | g b4 b | a2 g |

 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 a2( fis) | g2\fermata r | g2. a4 | b2 c | b2. b4 | b2*2/3 \breathe s2*1/3 b4( c) | d2 b | e2. e4 |


SopranoMusicB= \relative c'' {

 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 d1~ | d | R | r2 g, | d' d | c b4 a |

 %Page 2 System 2 Bar 31
 b1 | g | r2 g( | c) c | b a | g( a) | fis b( |

 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 38
 e,4 fis) g2 | fis g | a( fis) | g r | R1 |


SopranoMusicC= \relative c'' {

 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 43
 R1 |

 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 r2 g | d' d c b4 a | b1 | g |

 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 r2 g( |c) c | b a | g( a) | fis b( | e,4 fis) g2 |

 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 55
 fis2 g | a( fis) | g1\fermata | r\fermata |

SopranoMusicD= \relative c'' {

 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 r1 | r1 | r2 b~( | b4 a g fis) | e2 c'~( | c4 b a g) |
 fis2 d'~( | d4 c b a) | g2 e'~( | e d~ | d4 g, c2~ | c2 b) | b1~ | b1 \fermata \bar "|." |


SopranoMusicE= \relative c'' {

 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 r2. c4( | b a) g2 | a4( b c2 |b a | g4 b2 b4 | a2 g | a4 g fis2) | g1 |
 fis4( g a b) | c2 c( | b a | g a4 g | fis2) g2*2/3\fermata s2*1/6\breathe s2*1/6 | e4( fis g2 | fis g | a4 g fis2) | g1 |
 e4( fis g2 | fis g | a fis) | g1~ | g1\fermata |

SopranoMusic= {

SopranoLyricsA= \lyricmode {
 O sa -- crum con -- vi -- vi -- um
 in \lyricSpace #2 quo Chris -- tus \lyricSpace #0 su -- mi -- tur,
 re -- co -- li -- tur me -- mo -- ri -- a pas -- si -- o -- nis e -- jus,
 mens im -- ple -- tur gra -- ti -- a, im -- ple -- tur gra -- ti --

SopranoLyricsB= \lyricmode {
 no -- bis

SopranoLyricsC= \lyricmode {
 no -- bis

SopranoLyricsD = \lyricmode {
 A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men.

SopranoLyricsE = \lyricmode {
 A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men.

SopranoLyrics= {

SopranoDynamicsA= {

 \tag #'Piano <<
  % Place dynamics for piano relative to 'alto' part
  \override DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #4
  \override TextScript #'padding = #-10			% Reposition text (Rall at end)
 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 s1\p | s | s | s | s | s\cresc | s |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 s2 s\!\mf | s1 | s2\p s | s1 | s | s | s | s | s |

 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 s1 | s\cresc | s | s | s | s2\!\f s | s1 |
 \once \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #1.2
 s2.\< s4\! |


SopranoDynamicsB= {

 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 s1\ff\> | s1 | s4\!\mf s2. | s2\cresc s | s1 | s |

 %Page 2 System 2 Bar 31
 s1 | s | s2 s2\!\f | s1 | s | s2\dim s2 | s1 |

 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 38
 s1 | s1 | s1\!\p | s1 | s1 | s1 |


SopranoDynamicsC = {

 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 s2\cresc s | s1 | s1 | s\!\f | s |

 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 s1 | s | s | s\> | s2 s2\!\pp | s1^\markup{ \italic \large rall} |

 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 55
 s1 | s | s | s |


SopranoDynamicsD = {

 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 s1 | s | s2 s\p | s1 | s2 s\mp | s1 |
 s2 s\mf | s1 | s2 s\f | s s\> | s1 | s1 | s4\!\p s4 s2| s1 |


SopranoDynamicsE = {
 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 s2. s4\p | s1 | s1\mp | s1 | s1 | s1 | s4\> s s s\! | s1\p |
 s4\mp s4\< s2 | s1\!\f | s1\> | s1 | s1\!\mp | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
 s2^\markup{ \italic \large rall} s2\> | s1 | s1\!\pp | s1 | s1 |

SopranoDynamics= {
\version "2.8.4"

% O Sacrum Convivium
% Farant

% Tempi

TempiA= {
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #3.0
 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 \tempo 2=80 s1 | s | s | s | s | s | s |
 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 % the following tempo changes implement the fermata in bar 9
 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t % hide the marks
 s1 | \tempo 2=50 s | \tempo 2=80 s | s1 | s | s | s | s | s |
 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 % the following tempo changes implement the fermata in bar 18
 s1 | \tempo 2=50 s | \tempo 2=80 s | s | s | s | s | s |

TempiB = {
 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 s1 | s | s | s | s | s |
 %Page 2 System 2 Bar 31
 s1 | s | s | s | s | s | s |
 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 38
 s1 | s | s | s | s | s |

TempiC = {
 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 s1 | s | s | s | s |
 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 s1 | s | s | s | s | s |
 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 55
 % the following tempo changes implement the penultimate rall
 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t % hide the marks
 \tempo 2=76 s1 | \tempo 2=72  s | s | s |

TempiD = {
 % the following tempo changes implement the final rall
 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##f % show the marks
 \tempo 2=72 s1^Slower | s | s | s | s | s |
 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t % hide the marks
 s1 | s | s \tempo 2=65 | s \tempo 2=60 | s | s | s | s |

TempiE = {
 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##f % show the marks
 \tempo 2=72 s1^Slower | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
 % the following tempo changes implement the fermata in bar 71
 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t % hide the marks
 s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s2 \tempo 2=30 s2 \tempo 2=72 | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t % hide the marks
 s1 | \tempo 2=65 s1  | \tempo 2=60 s1 | s1 | s1 |

Tempi = {
%O Sacrum Convivium

\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"
\include "includes/"

%Tenor Part

TenorMusicA= \relative c' {

 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 b1 | b2.( d4) | d2 d | b e | d1 | r2 d4 d | d2 d |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 e2 e | d2\fermata r | b2( c) | d2. d4 | d2 b | d( e) | d( c) | b d4 d | d2 b |
 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 c2( a) | g2\fermata r | b2. c4 | d2 e | d2. d4 | d2*2/3 \breathe s2*1/3 d4( c) | b2 b | c2. c4 |


TenorMusicB= \relative c' {

 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 a2 a4 a | b2 b | a b4 d | c( b) a( g) | a2 b | c1 |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 31
 d2 b | e e | d c4 b | a2 a g d' | b( c) | a g( |
 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 38
 g2) g | a b | a1 | g2


TenorMusicC= \relative c' {

 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 41
 g2 | b b | a b4 d |

 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 c4( b) a( g) | a2 b | c1 | d2 b | e e |

 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 d2 c4 b | a2 a | g d' | b( c) | a g~ | g g |

 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 55
 a2 b | a1 | g\fermata | r\fermata |

TenorMusicD= \relative c' {

 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 g1~ | g | g2 d'~( | d4 c b a) | g2 e'~( | e4 d c b) |
 a1~ | a2 d~( | d4 c b2 | c g~ | g1) | g1~ | g1~ | g1 \fermata |


TenorMusicE= \relative c' {

 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 r1 | d2.( c4 | d2 e | d2. c4 | b2 d2 | fis2 e | c4 b a2) |
 g1 | d'2( c4 b) | a1 | d2( c | b2 c | a2) b2*2/3\fermata s2*1/6\breathe s2*1/6 | g1( | a2 b2 | a1) | g |
 r2 g( | a b | a1) | g~ | g\fermata |


TenorMusic= {

TenorLyricsA= \lyricmode {\SopranoLyricsA}

TenorLyricsB= \lyricmode {
 a, et

TenorLyricsC= \lyricmode {

TenorLyricsD= \lyricmode {\SopranoLyricsD}

TenorLyricsE = \lyricmode {
 A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men, A -- men.

TenorLyrics= {

TenorDynamicsA= {

 % Try to line up dynamics better
 \override DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #2

 %Page 1 System 1 Bar 1
 s1\p | s | s | s | s | s\cresc | s |

 %Page 1 System 2 Bar 8
 s2 s\!\mf | s1 | s2\p s | s1 | s | s | s | s | s |

 %Page 1 System 3 Bar 17
 s1 | s\cresc | s | s | s | s2\!\f s | s1 | s2.\< s4\! |


TenorDynamicsB= {

 %Page 2 System 1 Bar 25
 s4\ff\> s4 s4\! s4\mf | s4\cresc s2. | s2 s | s1 | s | s |

 %Page 2 System 2 Bar 31
 s2 s2\!\f | s1 | s2 s2 | s1 | s | s2\dim s2 | s1 |

 %Page 2 System 3 Bar 38
 s1 | s | s\!\p | s2 s2\cresc | s1 | s |


TenorDynamicsC= {

 %Page 3 System 1 Bar 44
 s1 | s | s | s2\!\f s2 | s1 |

 %Page 3 System 2 Bar 49
 s1 | s | s | s\> | s2 s2\!\pp | s1^\markup{ \italic \large rall} |

 %Page 3 System 3 Bar 55
 s1 | s | s | s |


TenorDynamicsD = {

 %Amen from Anthem Book p 97
 s1\p | s | s | s | s2 s\mp | s1 |
 s1 | s2 s2\f | s1 | s2 s\> | s1 | s1 | s4\!\p s4 s2| s1 |


TenorDynamicsE = {
 %Amen based on Farrant by Trevor Daniels
 s1 | s1\p | s1\mp | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1\> | s1\!\p |
 s1\mp\< | s1\!\f | s1\> | s1 | s1\!\mp | s1 | s1 | s1 | s1 |
 s2^\markup{ \italic \large rall} s\> | s1 | s1\!\pp | s1 | s1 |

TenorDynamics = {
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