
Im just now working on an edition of an English lutesong on Lily 2.10 (Windows version) and I would like to have the lute part in tablature not in transkription. As the patches made for lily 1.6 by Laura Conrad to make TAB in to a French lute tablature look- alike does not work on lily 2.10 I'll nead to get the freet- numbers in TAB changed to letters (a = 0, b=1, c=2, d=3, e=4, f=5, g=6, h=7, i= 8, k=9, l=10 et.c.). Does any body have a patch for this ready? (Browsing in lily-user archiv and the documenmtation does not seem to help me. And working trough Lilly's internal workings and getting to know scheem to make my own patches is somewath out of bounds as I don't have that time just now esp if sombody else already have made the work.

Anders Stenberg

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