Quoting Joseph Wakeling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
You can achieve this by using parallel music (i.e. music expressions inside
<< ... >>):

\relative c' {
c,4.(\p e8 g c d \setTextCresc e)\<
<< {f2(\!} {s4 s4\turn} >> g4 f)

The two expressions in {..} inside the <<..>> will be laid out in parallel.
The second one contains only quarter skips, where you can assign the turn to
the second skip. Thus the turn will always appear on the second beat

Ahhh.  Neat trick, thank you very much for the suggestion. :-)

It doesn't work absolutely perfectly because the skips do not contribute
to the musical spacing---you can see the difference if instead of s4 you
write e.g. d4.  Is there an option to make skips count towards the layout?

Exactly what do you mean. The spacing should be the same as if the turn
was appeared over a true note at the same position in the bar. Try replacing
the "s" by a pitch to see this.


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