I am currently learning Scheme to master lilypond even better....
but I miss some clear docs about music-map and define-music-function.

I try to write a function that replaces pitches in a repetitive pattern 
(e.g. : c8 d16 c d8 c d16 c d8 c d ) with other pitches.
so that I can say:
myPattern = {c8 d16 c d8 c d16 c d8 c d } %(a global variable)

pat = #(define-music-function (parser location p1 p2) (ly:music? ly:music?) 

and then have \pat aes des' return: aes8 des'16 aes des8 etc.

The function could call music-map to process the pattern, note by note, 
replacing the pitches with the pitches in p1 and p2, but I'm not sure how I 
can give those pitches as well as arguments to the function called by 
music-map. Should I nest a (define) to create a function that already 
encapsulates the two piches or a lambda expression? I'm not quite sure and 
can't get it to work yet :-)

I could use the example in Bach's WK1 prelude, but that's using \applyMusic 
and I understood that define-music-function is the preferred way of creating 
functions to manipulate music :-)

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandi

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