Hans Aberg wrote:
I suspected that. - So it might be better putting at least the more prominent examples in a special examples PDF, and reference that. The LSR could still be there, for new examples that have not yet worked up the hierarchy.


GDP is not on the main lilypond website.  Please see our website here:

In particular, look at the "GDP docs" and the "policy.txt". I am not particularly interested in reopening any decisions that we have already made. The division of manual into the learning manual, user manual, and program usage is one of those decisions.

Finally, please change the subject line if you change the subject. We have a lot of emails about GDP, and it quickly becomes much more difficult to keep things straight if people change discussions without modifying the subject line accordingly.

I also brought forward the idea of a Wiki. These are great to put silly little facts one does not know where to put elsewhere. Abbreviations and such, for example.

Wikis are worse than useless. Please see previous discussions about them on this list.

- Graham

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