Which is the most convenient (possilby automatic) way to change the beaming
of triplets in a allabreve-piece without changing the beaming
of "normal" eighth notes (quavers)? 

See the example (or if more convenient, the attachment):

%%% BEGIN  Triplet-Beaming EXAMPLE

\version "2.10.33"

\paper{ ragged-right=##t }

\score {
    \time 2/2 
    \relative c' {
      c4  d8 e f g a b |
      c8 d16 c \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) \times 2/3 { 
b8 c a  g a f  e f d } |

\markup {
  The result is as expected. 

\markup {
 But I would prefer the following default beaming,

\markup {
  without being forced to manually enforce it, even in Alla Breve:

\score {
    \time 2/2 
    \relative c' {
      c4  d8 e f g a b |
      c8 d16 c \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) \times 2/3 { 
b8[ c a]  g[ a f]  e[ f d] } |

\markup {
 By the way: Why do the brackets disappear? Is this behaviour intented?

%%% END Triplet-Beaming EXAMPLE

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\version "2.10.33"

\paper{ ragged-right=##t }

\score {
    \time 2/2 
    \relative c' {
      c4  d8 e f g a b |
      c8 d16 c \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) \times 2/3 { b8 c a  g a f  e f d } |

\markup {
  The result is as expected. 

\markup {
 But I would prefer the following default beaming,

\markup {
  without being forced to manually enforce it, even in Alla Breve:

\score {
    \time 2/2 
    \relative c' {
      c4  d8 e f g a b |
      c8 d16 c \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) \times 2/3 { b8[ c a]  g[ a f]  e[ f d] } |

\markup {
 By the way: Why do the brackets disappear? Is this behaviour intented?

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