I think some of your conclusions are wrong. As the following example shows,
an E is always transposed to a F#, regardless of the key specified if you use
\transpose bes c'
\version "2.10.0"
m = \relative c'{ bes b c cis des d dis es e f fis ges g gis as a ais bes }
\transpose bes c' \m
mInBes = \relative c'{\key bes \major bes b c cis des d dis es e f fis ges g gis as a ais bes }
\transpose bes c' \m
mInC = \relative c'{\key c \major bes b c cis des d dis es e f fis ges g gis as a ais bes }
\transpose bes c' \mInC

Which accidentals are shown and what key signature is shown depends on
the original key signature. As you have noted, no key signature is
shown in the transposed part if non is specified in the non-transposed

If you want an e to be transposed into an Gb, you should instead use
\transpose ais c'
but you probably don't want the double flats you get on some other notes.
As an alternative, you can search for "Smart transpose" in the LSR,


Nick Didkovsky wrote:
Hello Lilypond users

I want to extract a Bb trumpet part from a concert score. The score is not really in a key signature (atonal music, not c major), so I do not want a key signature in the extracted part. I see that as long as no key is specified in the music file, then no key signature is introduced in the transposed part. However, the transposed part then mixes sharps and flats despite the command which according to 6.1.8 in the docs ought to print only flats.
\transpose bes c' \new Staff \jjfStaffAA

For example E is transposed to F# instead of Gb

If I introduce "\key c \major" to the music file then the transposed part is spelled using only flats (desired), but a key signature of D major is introduced (not desired)

It looks like suppressing the key signature makes Lilypond spell with sharps all those transposed notes that would otherwise be sharp in the D major key signature.

Can someone advise how I can both control accidental spelling and suppress key signatures in transposed parts?

Nick Didkovsky

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