On Thursday, November 01, 2007, at 08:07AM, "Kieren MacMillan" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Benedict,
>> having to do with music elements too close to or overlapping with  
>> bar lines
>If you check the archives, you'll see that I had been complaining  
>about this for a long time -- I'm quite happy with the fix(es) in  
>2.11.31+, so I've stopped griping!  =)
>> This problem could be solved by moving to 2.11
>> I'd prefer to stay on the stable branch
>If I'm not mistaken (dev: anyone care to confirm?), a 2.12 release is  

I'm very happy with the look of the arpeggios on the 2.11 branch; my suspicion 
is that the problem with the dynamics is persisting because the dynamics part 
is not associated with the parts that are responsible for drawing the bar 
lines. Would you consider the 2.11 branch stable enough for general daily use?

>> This relates to dynamics in the Piano centered dynamics template
>I think this template has been (unofficially) deprecated: there are  
>better ways of accomplishing the same thing.

Really? What are these ways? I'm all for that, as I always thought it was 
strange that one needed such a complex set of tweaks to do piano music in what 
is the style for the vast majority of piano pieces; plus, see my suspicion 
above about why the dynamics overlap the bar lines.

>> Hairpins and dynamic marks tend to brush right up against
>> or even overlap (the mp mark is one of the worst) the bar lines.
>True, but unfortunately I don't know of an automated way to solve  
>that problem -- I simply manually tweak each "problem child".
>Maybe someone else out there has the "silver bullet" we're both  
>wanting to find??

After more investigation last night I found the manual method of tweaking each 
one; if no other solution is forthcoming, I'll go ahead and do this for each 
problem dynamic. Luckily it's a set of short pieces.

>Hope this helps!


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