Hi Immanuel

I worked around the guile problem by upgrading my portfile to 1.8.3 and manually adding "#undef HAVE_STAT64" in config.h after the configure phase. However lilypond will complain about not beeing able to dlopen libguile-srfi-srfi-1-v-3.so. I "solved" this problem by just setting DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/ local/lib" before i launch lilypond. I've hardwired this line in the textmate-bundle i'm using currently using. If you use lilyponds own GUI you'll have to create some wrapper script or perhaps modify environment.plist [1].


1) http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1067.html

On Nov 2, 2007, at 2:30 AM, immanuel litzroth wrote:

I tried to compile lilypond with the help of macports today and I don't
have much good news.
1) The guile in macports didn't seem to compile for me due to some errors related to open64 and such. A downloaded guile had the same problem but I hacked my way around that and got guile to compile. 2) I added the required other packages from macports with only minor problems. 3) Lilypond compiled ok up to a point where it was trying to run sourceforge on a x.pfb in a TTF directory to create a ttf. At that point I did have the lilypond executable and could run it only to discover that the guile interpreter was trying to load .so files instead of dylibs.

Seems there is some work to be done, I'll log some bugs with the macports guys, but I don't have the time to look into this any deeper now. I'll try again if the supporting software is in better shape.

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