On 03.11.2007 (12:43), Valentin Villenave wrote:
> > Quoting Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Does anybody object if I rename Program Reference to Internals
> > > Reference?  or maybe Tweak Reference?  or... ?  (renaming Program Usage
> > > is also an option)
> >
> > ... or merging it with Notation Reference, where it belongs.... :-)
> Not at all! The notation Reference is here to help users produce
> scores using predefined commands and interface, whereas the Internals
> Reference describes the way LilyPond *internally* works, to possibly
> allow them to change the interface itself.

Sorry - my fault, I was thinking of the Program Usage, which to a large
extent has  to do with how to write code to produce a certain output (the
LP-book part) leaving bits and pieces which not necessarily belongs
together with the notation reference thematically, but which on the other
hand is so few pages, dealing with the fundamentals of how to run the
program, that it seems logical to have it in one place. 


user-friendly adj. 

 Programmer-hostile.  Generally used by
   hackers in a critical tone, to describe systems that hold the
   user's hand so obsessively that they make it painful for the more
   experienced and knowledgeable to get any work done.  See
   menuitis, drool-proof paper, 

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