On Nov 27, 2007 1:02 PM, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Libero,
> > wikipedia article call those time sigs as "irrational" meters:
> It's unfortunate (IMO) that such a (mathematical) misnomer has become
> accepted...


I think Ferneyhough uses the term only with reluctance; Xenakis refused ...

I wish I knew enough about Medieval music (or Medieval music theory anyway)
to know if the Medieval invetors of "duplum" and "triplum" and "perfectus"
and "imperfectus" and the like ever touched on the topic ... they'd make a
good source to steal from ...

(A good example is "prolation" ... which I *think* Ferneyhough borrows from
"prolatio" ... though not sure ... and which makes a great cover term for
tuplets and all forms of duration "scaling" in general.)

Trevor Bača
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