Op zondag 2 december 2007, schreef Garrett Fitzgerald:
> Evening, all. I have 4 staffs (solo and chorus) that fit nicely on one
> page. I just added chord names, and blew it up so that only 3 staffs
> would fit on the first page. How do I move the chord names closer to
> the staff so that there's actually enough room? I tried extra-offset,
> but that didn't seem to do it... Tweaking the staff-size works, but
> the size it was originally at was very readable.

From my little experience: You could play with VerticalAxisGroup 
#'minimum-Y-extent of the staffs or chordnames contexts, to get lyrics and 
chordnames a little closer. See the docs.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandi

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