Almost all dimensions in LilyPond are expressed in units of a staff space, i.e. the space between two adjacent staff lines. If you use the default 20pt staff size, this means that the staff space is 5pt. If you make a simple test, you can easily verify
that this holds also for the argument to \epsfile.


Michael David Crawford wrote:
I don't know for sure, but I would guess that the units are Adobe Postscript points. There are 72 of them per inch.

(Traditional printer points don't fit evenly in an inch; Adobe rounded them.)

thorne wrote:
Hi, I have successfully embedded an .eps file in lilypond output, but i
am sizing it more or less by eyeball because i don't know what the units
are for second (size) argument.  The manual (2.10) just says:

| \epsfile axis (number) size (number) file-name (string)
|     Inline an EPS image. The image is scaled along axis to size. `----

I don't know anything really about .eps format.  Are the units for size
just something everyone knows?

Michael David Crawford
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <-- Creative Commons Lilypond Scores

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