Thermo <Graham.Okely <at>> writes:

> I am trying to get Lilypong to show a fret diagram in its natural place
> without adding (iii) and placing the diagram in the first fret position.

All you need to do is increase the fret-count to make it work.

> First method:
> ^\markup \fret-diagram #"6-4;5-6;4-4;3-4;2-4;1-4;"

Add a string to change the height of the diagram:
^\markup \fret-diagram #"h:6;6-4;5-6;4-4;3-4;2-4;1-4;"

> Second method:
> gis^\markup \override #'(size . 0.75) {
>                                 \override #'(finger-code . below-string) {
>                                     \fret-diagram-verbose #'(
>                                   (place-fret 6 4 1) (barre 6 1 4)
>                                     (place-fret 5 6 4)
>                                   (place-fret 4 4 1)
>                                     (place-fret 3 4 1)
>                                   (place-fret 2 4 1)
>                                     (place-fret 1 4 1)
>                                   )
>                                   }
>                                }

I thought you could do it with this method by adding an 
\override #'(fret-count . 6), but in the release version it doesn't work.  I'm
hoping that over Christmas I'll be able to fix up my challenges with git and get
the latest version of the fret diagram code integrated in LilyPond.

Carl Sorensen

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