2007/12/23, Bertalan Fodor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Wow! Now that should definitely go to the main page, shouldn't it?
> Your server is a bit slow at least for such demand you surely get with
> this :-) You may want to create a sourceforge project for it, or join
> the lily4jedit project. There you can commit your icon as well, if you
> send me your sourceforge user name - privately - I can grant you write
> access to the repository, and will also help finding the right place in
> the project structure, or at least - if you don't want to play with SVN
> - just let you release the binary and the .gz sources.

Hi Bert,
I've just opened a SourceForge account:

I'd be happy to join the lily4jedit devel team. I've just released a
third pre-alpha version of EasyLilyPond, with a lot of bugs corrected.
I'm a bit sad that it's only Windows-oriented, but I'd be happy to
learn another language and write a portable version of the
EasyLauncher (I think wxwidget, for instance, could be an interesting
framework to try).

How do you see my EasyLilypond project's future? Could it be
integrated to yours, as a "standalone" version? Should I open a new sf

As for lilyPondTool itself, I'd be happy to make a few suggestions,
mainly about the interface (icons, localization etc), but also about
some components (for example, we've already talked about forking
JPedal for good and get rid of some of its limitations).

A few months ago, I talked about making the JPedal preview dockable,
this would make a nice "Perspective" possible for lilyponders.

I have a few more ideas. It would be just great if we can help each other :)


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