On 27.12.2007 20:26, Trevor Daniels wrote:
> There is no 'proper' way of doing this, unfortunately.
> The recent discussion on \partcombine which you can
> see in the archives points out the problems with this.
> Of course, you can always simply insert \stemUp and
> \stemDown commands in the alto line.  These will give
> the appearance you want, but will generate lots of
> 'clashing note column' error messages.

Thanks for your answer, Trevor. I just tried with \stemUp and
\stemDown commands, and this indeed works for the example I gave.
But the trick fails if there are 1/8 notes. I join a slightly modified
example which shows the problem (the first line is using \stemUp in the
alto voice and doesn't look well, the second line looks well but uses my
cheating trick).

I'll now try to understand the partcombine discussion (I am a beginner,
you know)

\version "2.10.25"

\context StaffGroup<<

  \context Staff = "upper" <<
  \clef treble
  \context Voice = "soprano" \relative g' {
     \key c \major
     \voiceOne g8( f) e4 e2 | f4 d d2 | }
  \context Voice = "alto" \relative c' {
     \voiceTwo \stemUp e8( c) c4 c2 | \stemDown b8( c) d( c) b2 | }
  \lyricsto "soprano" \new Lyrics { 
    \lyricmode { Häns- chen klein ging al- lein } } 
  \context Staff = "lower" <<
  \clef bass 
  \context Voice = "tenor" \relative c' {
    \key c \major
    \voiceThree \stemDown c4 c c2 | g4 g g2 | }
  \context Voice = "bass" \relative c {
    \voiceFour c4 c c2 | g4 g g2 | }


\context StaffGroup<<
  \context Staff = "upper" <<
  \clef treble
  \context Voice = "soprano" \relative g' {
     \key c \major
     \voiceOne <g e>8( <f c>) <e c>4 <e c>2 | f4 d <d b>2 | }
  \context Voice = "alto" \relative c' {
     \voiceTwo s4 s s2 | b8( c) d( c) s2 | }
  \lyricsto "soprano" \new Lyrics { 
    \lyricmode { Häns- chen klein ging al- lein } } 
  \context Staff = "lower" <<
  \clef bass 
  \context Voice = "tenor" \relative c' {
    \key c \major
    \voiceThree s4 s s2 | s4 s s2 | }
  \context Voice = "bass" \relative c {
    \voiceFour <c c'>4 <c c'> <c c'>2 | <g g'>4 <g g'> <g g'>2 | }

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