Op zondag 30 december 2007, schreef Paul Scott:
> I used to be able to replace the breath mark with something like the
> following which I have corrected for the new straight caesura glyph name:
> caesuraOn = \override BreathingSign #'text =
> #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.caesura.straight")
> The \breathe command would put the caesura glpyh right where I wanted it.
> This code used as:
> \caesuraOn \breathe
> doesn't seem to work in 2.11.36 (I get scripts.rcomma).

I created a file only containing:
caesuraOn = \override BreathingSign #'text =
#(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.caesura.straight")

{ c d
\caesuraOn \breathe
e f }

which works well in my recent 2.11.36 (git master).

best regards and happy new year,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandi

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