2008/1/7, Christian Braumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> this is my first time I write something here.
> As a lilypond-nearly-newbie, I want to say "Thank you" for this list.

You're welcome :)

> First: The LSR. I didnt know that it exists before.

Some of us think we have made it as visible as we could. Obviously we
could do better.

> Second: There was one Posting which recommended LilyPondTool. This is
> for me a great thing, because I just want to write playable scores
> without thinking about Tags and so on.

This has to be more visible too. I've just mentioned it in another discussion.

Graham: what about creating a new page in (for example) the Learning
manual, named "Getting ready to work with LilyPond" or something? (you
know I'm ready to do it, I'm just asking for your opinion here)

Otherwise, I'd like to show you an idea that I've just had: on the
attached index.html page, I've implemented in a very visible way the
LSR searching function and the MG4J searchable manual provided by
Sebastiano. We can discuss the page layout, but still, I kinda find if
potentially useful :)

Title: LilyPond @TOPLEVEL_VERSION@ documentation


  • News
    (changes since the previous major release)
  • Examples
    (see some examples)

NOTE: like every HTML page in this documentation, you can find at bottom links to translations of this page in other languages.

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