> This is usually a symptom of an incorrect note
> duration (one that is too long) or maybe an extra
> inserted note, which cause all remaining notes
> to be shifted slightly to the right, and at the
> end of the section the little bit left over causes
> a new bar to be started.  You are using bar checks,
> which is good, so make sure you have these inserted
> frequently, in even every bar if the rhythm is complex,

I can't live without those bar checks!

> and in all voices, including skip voices, and look for
> errors in the log file.  I would hazard a guess that
> your skip notes don't quite match the music length.
> Check the upbeats are correct too.

I've already checked the visible notes both note by note and with the
midi control track which means the problem is in the lower staff  I
forced to contain the single voice in tandem with the upper staff.

I was  not at all sure of what I was doing and just pressing on,
guessing values. At the end I simply tweaked the last value until
there was no empty staff space. So I think I'll have to go through and
calculate all those values exactly until I find the one that is
causing this. I guess I'm looking for exactly one bar of time.

If I can correct the time problem will that solve the problem I'm
having getting the B section to become two voices again? That problem
haunts here but I think it is linked to the extra bar lines as well.


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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