Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Since I don't use Windows, please answer his questions.

Dear Werner:
There are two additional questions. First, what's the difference between Lilypad-ascii.exe and Lilypad-unicode.exe? If I edit Chinese characters in the unicode version, will the output fonts be embedded?
If I remember correctly, the Lilypad-unicode.exe does not handle unicode
correctly, in spite of its name. However, if you use any other text editor
that can save the files in UTF-8 encoding, and if you have the appropriate
fonts intstalled on your computer, then LilyPond should handle these correctly
so that you get Chinese (or whatever) characters in your PDF file.

One editor that has very good support for LilyPond is available at
Second, How to use command line in Windows? I can't find any help from my system help files. I know one way is Start->Run "cmd.exe". But how to run lilypond's converter under command line?
See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2007-01/msg00038.html
(you cannot only run convert-ly in this way, but any of the commands
included in the installation, such as lilypond, midi2ly and lilypond-book).


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        Signal Processing
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