Op maandag 21 januari 2008, schreef Thies Albrecht:
> Hi everybody!
> Currently I'm dealing with extending/altering lily's music font
> according to my needs. Now I'm stuck with the following:
> I want to alter a symbol, e.g. the notehead noteheads.s2. To do so I
> open feta20.pfa from /usr/share/lilypond/2.10.5/fonts/type1 in FontForge
> (v20061220), choose symbol noteheads.s2 by double-clicking on it, alter
> it, close the window and then by choosing File -> Generate Fonts... ->
> PS Type 1 (Ascii) save it again to .../type1/feta20.pfa. When I process
> a file containing for example
> \relative c'' {c4 d e f}
> I still get the old notehead symbol.
> Why doesn't the altered symbol appear? Can anyone give me a hint/link?
> Are there any other steps I have to do? Is it somehow not that easy as I
> think it is to alter/extend the existing font?

From what I understand the *pfa files are generated files, and depending on 
desired font size, a symbol is taken from one *pfa or another.

If I'm correct, to alter a symbol the best way is to alter the *.mf files in 
mf/ (mf=metafont).

Met vriendelijke groet,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandi

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