Dear Lilypond users,
after the last e-mails I got always replies like this. What does it mean?
Sorry for boring You with this question, which has nothing to do with lilypond 
----- weitergeleitete Nachricht ---------

Subject: The results of your email commands
Date: Do 24 Jan 2008 15:42:30 CET

> The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
> original message.
> - Unprocessed:
>     because I'm not convinced of the pedaltremolo with the trill line, I
> want t=
>     o create a new symbol for this as a text spanner. Does soemone know,
> which =
>     musicglyph is the pedal-symbol in the Emmentaler-Font? I didn't find
> that i=
>     n the manual! I tried it with
>     textSpannerDown
>     override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text =3D
>     markup { musicglyph #"pedal" }=20
>     override TextSpanner #'style =3D #'zigzag
>     without success.
>     Thanks for Your help.
>     Stefan=0A=0A=0A=0AUnbegrenzter Speicher, Top-Spamschutz, 120 SMS und
> eigene=
>      E-MailDomain
> inkl.=0A
>     ebersicht/power/mail/index.html=0A
> - Done.

---- weitergeleitete Nachricht Ende ----

Unbegrenzter Speicher, Top-Spamschutz, 120 SMS und eigene E-MailDomain inkl.

Attachment: Nachricht_2.msg

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