I just finished reading the Learning Manual for the first time and I
am really impressed. Nice work everyone! As a relatively new user,
chapters 3 and 4 were excellent. I am starting to figure out why
commands belong in various places, and I now see how simple some of
the tweaks are. Thanks!

There were a few items that I spotted, though most of them are just
little details:

3.2.3 the Handel excerpt is missing \global in the voice "SopTwo".
This results in a missing key signature. The hymn in the same section
has the same problem with the \TimeKey statement not appearing in the
tenor voice, but the result is invisible because the song is in C

3.3.4 I was confused about the hash signs (#). The statement about why
they are needed before all values in a \set statement is very clear,
but then the subsequent example has
   \set Staff.instrumentName = "Soprano"
without a hash sign. Is this because "Soprano" is a LilyPond string
rather than a Scheme value?

3.4.2 In the Handel excerpt, the last alto note should be e2 rather
than fis2. Great choice, by the way.

4.4.3 The second paragraph after the heading "Grob Sizing", which
begins "By default" has a duplicate word: "by by"

4.5.2 Regarding moving beams, I have a typographical question. I
understand that the end of a beam is normally positioned such that its
top edge, centre, or bottom edge is aligned on a staff line. When
manually setting the positions, what fractions of a line space would
give those positions?

4.6.3 and 4.6.5 What are the default units when setting page margins?
I'm guessing mm, but it would be helpful to state the default and
maybe mention how to use inches (for those of us who still need to use
those ancient units occasionally).

Thanks again for fine piece of work.
Andrew Hawryluk

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